Signorini, in a punctuation mark lies a cultural, management and operative transformation. A sign that separates and connects, clarifi es and sets apart. The extreme precision of those who choose the technical language, a concept that exalts and values the search for essentiality across the board. Through memory and future, through history and current events: our history is our future. An industrial reality operating on the market since 1923: Signorini’s one is the history of inventors of ideas that turn into innovative and well-balanced forms, objects both technically and technologically close to perfection, expression of creativity and intelligence, signs able to turn themselves into history. A 90 years-long path of experimentation that Company has made giving great attention to the market demands. Thanks to its solid roots, Signorini is able to face the contemporaneity challenge, fi rmly believing in its own signifi cant wealth of experiences. In a sign lies indeed a strong communicative value, a symbolic representation of its industrial language renovation, a new manufacturing adventure, a rigorous way to conceive the factory.